Publications on our website are reprinted with permission from the:
- Oral Health Journal
- Ontario Dentist Journal
- Canadian Dental Association Journal
Torque transfer to the implant-bone interface – 2021
Before dental implants are restored, osseointegration is often verified by torque testing the implant. For this test, it might be appropriate to select the torque subsequently used to tighten the abutment screw during prosthetic delivery. However, whether the full torque applied to the abutment screw is transferred to the implant-bone interface remains unknown.
Oral cancer a multicenter study – 2018
To determine the prevalence and clinicopathologic features of the oral cancer patients.
Oral cancer is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide. 300000 patients (2.1% of the total cancer cases) were afflicted with cancer of the oral cavity and lip in 2012. 145000 patients passed away from cancer of the oral cavity and lip.
Peri-Implantitis The Good, The Bad & The Ugly – 2017
Presently, over one million implants are being placed annually worldwide (1,2). Articles report implant survival rates as high as 99 to 100 per cent in periodontally healthy patients (3,4). This does make it appealing to cinsider implant therapy in our offices.
Periodontitis VS Peri-Implantitis Management – 2015
Dental implants have evolved significantly over time. Four thousand years ago root form bamboo pegs were tapped into the jawbone to replace lost teeth, which changed to similarly shaped pegs made of precious metals or ivory in Egypt 2000 years ago. Ancient Mayans used pieces of shells shaped to resemble teeth in a similar fashion.
Crown Lengthening – 2014
The crown lengthening (CL) procedure has many applications in the periodontal sphere. It can take the form of a gingivectomy, full or partial thickness flap approach with or without osteoplasty, or even a flapless technique.
Connective TISSUE Grafting – 2013
In 1999, Albandar et. al1 estimated that more than 20 percent of the population presents with one or more tooth surfaces with gingival recession. When root exposure occurs, it can be quite uncomfortable causing root sensitivity and can lead to cosmetic and functional impairment.